Analytics Reporting

Analytics Reporting

Today, it’s imperative to have real-time data on how your business is performing. Analytics helps businesses of all industries gain a competitive edge. It provides insights into overall company performance and departmental metrics, allowing you to identify trends, opportunities, and potential problems. With easy-to-understand reports/dashboards, and real-time connection with the ERP system, you can monitor progress towards goals, improve decision-making, and ultimately, boost revenue and profitability.

Key Features:

Pre-Configured Reports
Pre-Configured Reports
Take advantage of our pre-built reports and dashboards to have a real-time understanding of how your business is performing. Some of the top reports include:
  • Inventory Turns and GMROI
  • Customer Fill Rates
  • Forecasted Demand vs. Actual Demand
  • Warehouse Scanning Performance
  • Vendor and Customer Performance Scorecards
  • Sales by Division/Class
  • Sales by Location/Company
Build Your Own Reports & Dashboards
Dashboards and Reports
With S2K Analytics, you can create powerful dashboards and reports that will allow you to easily identify anomalies that could turn into significant business issues, identify, and analyze opportunities and trends, communicate goals consistently with employees, and monitor performance against targets.

Leverage one of our existing templates or build your own reports and dashboards from scratch with our drag-and-drop report writer. Create engaging and dynamic reports and dashboards that allow you to see the information you need to succeed.
Real-Time ERP Connection
Real-Time ERP Connection
S2K Analytics is completely integrated with our ERP system and leverages the same database for real-time, accurate information for all your reports and dashboards.

Access to real-time, up to date information empowers your team to make critical business decisions and stay ahead of the curve.
Export & Schedule Reports
Schedule Reports
Access to accurate information has never been more vital to grow revenue, protect margins, and improve profitability. Ensure any member of your team always has access to the critical data and reports they need, anytime, and in any format.

Schedule your priority reports to run on a schedule that you define. Reports can also be exported for further formatting and manipulation including to PDF, Excel, and more.
SQL Enabled
If you’re a pro in SQL, S2K Analytics supports SQL queries for quick manipulation and building of data. This enables you to efficiently analyze a vast amount of data directly within the analytics platform, streamlining your processes and unlocking deeper insights into your information.

Your Data is Meaningless Ones and Zeroes Without Context

Leveraging Warehouse Management Systems to Comply with Food Safety Modernization Act
Data is the lifeblood of better decision-making. Much of the analytics software on the market doesn’t fit the needs of small to medium-sized businesses because it is overly complex to use, too expensive, or just doesn’t have features that match the unique characteristics of the organization. You need next-level analytics built with your business in mind.

Read our full report to learn more.

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