Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation

More than ever, building strong customer relationships and driving company sales growth are crucial for success. VAI's Marketing Automation Platform, powered by ActiveCampaign, is designed to help you build brand awareness, generate leads, nurture existing customers, and achieve lasting success. With complete integration with the ERP system, our marketing cloud empowers your business to streamline marketing efforts, personalize customer interactions, and gain valuable insights to drive sales and marketing decisions.

Key Features:

Custom Email Campaigns and Automation
Email Campaigns
Designing email messages does not have to be tedious. Create engaging emails and workflows based on engagement and activity to ensure no sale is left behind. Leverage hundreds of templates and add as much customization as needed to style and brand an email campaign for your business.

With automated workflows, you can give your subscribers the information they want during each stage of the sales funnel. You can create a workflow that will automatically separate and send emails to your subscribers based on their response to your previous campaigns, scores, shopping cart activity, web page visits, and much more.
Marketing Analytics
Stay up to date with accurate insights and statistics and use this information to improve your overall engagement strategy. View campaign and general marketing performance with complete email tracking of open rate, click rate, device analytics, and more. Using this information, optimize your campaigns for maximum success and bring your business to new heights.
Lead Scoring
Lead Scoring
Improve your lead qualification processes with automated lead scoring based on account behavior. Qualify and prioritize leads based on engagement and interest with your campaigns, allowing you to tailor outreach based on activity. Use our flexible scoring system to assess your prospect’s product fit and level of engagement as you follow up with them.
Complete CRM and ERP Integration
With complete integration with the ERP and CRM systems, users have access to real-time, up to date information about prospects and customers so no opportunity is left behind. Say goodbye to scattered solutions and unite all of your teams around a single process that will ensure that you never miss a chance to follow-up on a potential opportunity. Sales representatives get instant insight into the content a lead or customer has consumed, what links they have clicked on, and what web pages they have visited.
Sales & Marketing

Strategies and Best Practices to Achieve Sales and Marketing Alignment

Leveraging Warehouse Management Systems to Comply with Food Safety Modernization Act
Sales and marketing alignment is a powerful tool for businesses looking to achieve significant growth. When these two crucial revenue-generating teams work together seamlessly, it fosters a cohesive and customer-centric approach that translates to better lead generation, higher conversion rates, and ultimately, a happier bottom line.

Read our full report to learn more.

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